Math, Acronyms, Science, Tech, and more

Colordle: Guess the hexadecimal color code of the background
Jazle: Javascript
Mathler: Find the solution that equals X
Morsel: Morse
Numble: Maths
Passwordle: Passwords
Perfdle: Performance Testers and Engineers, DevOps, and Observability
Primel: Prime numbers
Qwordle: Quantum version of Wordle (uses entangled word-pairs)
Rundle: Like wordle, but only last three guesses are considered.
Stockle: Guess the stock or ETF
Syscordle: SYSCALL
TwoKinds: There's only two kinds of people in this World.
Visionle: Guess the label of randomly chosen image from ImageNet/ImageNet-Sketch dataset (Machine learning)
0xdle: Hexadecimal